My Body Is A Temple…….

My friend Zabel recently posted a question on Facebook: “Where do you pull your inspiration to dance from? How does it manifest in your dance?”

I have two answers. One more basic than the other.

Music obviously. As a Fusion Belly Dancer I dance to music that moves me–both emotionally and spiritually. I need to feel a connection the music-whether it be the actual composition or the lyrics. Because of this my style of dance can be anything from an African/Aboriginal fusion to didge and drums, to a heavy pop based routine.

The second, is spiritual based. I have been a neo-pagan practitioner since I was 13. My spirituality, above all else, is held with the deepest appreciation. Through all the experiences in my life, good and bad, my spirituality has been the one constant, and the one thing that has lead me down the path I currently walk.

Zehara Nachash "Primal Wanderings"

Zehara Nachash “Primal Wanderings”

I felt drawn to “belly dance” because of the earthy rhythms of the drums. The most primitive and basic sound of the drums moved me–literally and figuratively. I cant help but dance when I hear drums! It was also an easy transition from a dance I was already deeply connected to which was the firey and sensual gypsy dancing. That mixture of sexual, primitive and spiritual energy that comes from the gypsy violin took me to new levels.

Almost everything I have done in my dance career has come from dreams. My dreams are very vivid. Often I am visited by spirit guides, a Diety, or a sage/shaman. I am given messages –names, ideas–and will wake up with this “need” to create something unique. Whether it be a dance, or a show.


My three most successful shows: “ANIMUS: A Shamanic Journey Through Dance and Theatre,” “Kalliopes Karavan: An Evening of Side Show Delights and Vaudeville Theatre,” and “Dancing the Wheel: A Journey Through the Witches Year,” have all come from dreams. A message from the Divine to create something. The shows couldn’t be different from each other, but the link is that they all came from Divine inspiration. They are all shows I am very proud of–even when they have had mishaps! They have all been guided by something deeper. Sometimes the show has deeper spiritual meaning for both me and the audience–and then at times its about creating a sense of family and friendships (with Karavan for certain) that spill into the audience.

I use my body as a way to connect to my spiritual journey…….


My body is guided by something deeper than myself.  As they say, “My body is a Temple….and Dance is my Prayer”


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